Everyone is Me

I can’t live alone
so I must
get you with me.
I help you see that
the world is meaningful.
You bring me to get
a beautiful life,
make my destiny
to know something
around you,
understand about
sadness and happiness.

In just one minute
my mind can change.
So in that time
I am clear to know.
We all need
each other to get success
with our goal.

2017-02-15T12:31:16+08:00By |Categories: Poems, Student Work|Tags: , |

Challenges are the Light of Success

Comfortable place, has good environment,
happy, safe, warm, safety.
They are sad because they live in a bad
They are happy, they are finished!
They are forced to go to get success,
to be successful.
She will be a journalist.
He will be a pilot at the airport and have lots of tourists.
These things have challenges,
we must fight the challenges we face.
We will see the sunshine after the rain.
My life will be beautiful like a rainbow!

2016-12-16T12:55:08+08:00By |Categories: Group Poems, Poems, Student Work|Tags: , |

Successful in My Life

At first, I think that I’m the person who don’t have importance for everyone.
But now I stop thinking these ideas every day.
I’m a person living in the world,
that place makes people happy, sad, excited, amazing.
In the world, the first place for me is to be a strong person,
although I’m a silent person.
But I will try to study for
my family,
my society.
Because I want to be a good person in the world
When I stay alone, I always think I don’t have anyone to care about me.
But I still have huge hope for me.
My hope is success in my life and to be important for everyone,
to share my important ideas to everyone
know all, together
and help each other when we have problems.
I will be happy with you.
I will be sad with you.
My life will be light and get successful.
At last, I will have more smiles for the world!

2016-12-16T08:07:15+08:00By |Categories: Poems, Student Work|Tags: |

Trying is One Step of Successful

In the world, most people have a lot of places.
Tonle Sap
Some temples.
Although this can make them happy, smile, laugh, happiness
when they are having some problem, tell of them and solve together.
They are like the family, my friends
most of the time we join together to do something in the group.
A lot of people need the good time, with beautiful places.
Humans who love you, give a chance to each other.
All of this can create, new idea,
good meaning, modern idea.
So, I have a good best friend. Our place is to share
some ideas, knowledge, dreams, future.
They will be successful for everything they want.
Although we must have good relationship for them!!!

2016-12-15T06:49:49+08:00By |Categories: Poems, Student Work|Tags: |
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