Help Change Lives


It doesn’t take much to create a different world!

Your support helps us

  • Subsidize schools and NGO’s wanting our program
  • Reach out to new schools, new students and new teachers
  • Subsidize the transportation of our trained Facilitators to their workshop sites
  • Buy educational supplies for our Partners
  • Create a sustainable organisation, able to empower people in need worldwide

If you have a particular NGO partner you would like to help fund, you can become an Adopter. For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

Donate by credit, debit card, or bank wire/transfer

If you would like your donation to go to a specific use, see some of the options below. Or enter a custom amount.


Magic Pencils

Help us purchase the all important Magic Pencils which we give away to all our students and teachers.


Team Member

Help underwrite our administrative needs to sustain our programs and growth.



Underwrite the cost of a one-week full workshop.



Underwrite the cost of a one-week full workshop.



Become an Angel: Help sponsor an entire year of Writing Through.

Set up automatic monthly donations to become a Writing Through Champion.

Get Involved

Become a Facilitator

Click here to learn more about being a Facilitator.


Click here to learn more about being a Volunteer.

Contact Form

Please use the form below, to tell us a little more about how you can help change lives.

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Our Anthology

Our official Writing Through Anthology, Poems from the Magic Pencils is available to buy now!
The two volumes of our official Writing Through Anthology, Poems from the Magic Pencils, are available to buy now! These collections publish work from many of our workshop participants around the world. Volume 1 contains work produced from 2014 – 2019. The second half of our first decade is represented by Volume 2. They can be bought individually or together as a set.

These poems touch on a wide range of themes and are the outcome of our bespoke Writing Through methodology. As we read them, we hear thoughts formerly hidden, voices finally found.

Buy Now

Purchase your anthology by credit or debit card, and we’ll get it shipped or hand-delivered to you! All proceeds go towards future workshops.

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  • Payment Information

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Thank you for your support!