Together To Be Strong

We are human,
we make relationships
to make one huge family.
We never give up
we are still holding hands
we are still helping each other
to cross the bridge of life.

Walking together
up and down
with boys and girls
to know each other
to do good things.
We love each other.
Don’t be afraid to cross the obstacles.

I’m here for you.
Together for one.
The way to find happiness
is to connect,
to build a strong bridge
that everyone needs.

2017-02-15T12:19:23+08:00By |Categories: Group Poems, Poems, Student Work|Tags: |

New Beginnings – A Group Poem

HOME is a safe place and gives you peace of mind.

HOME is comfort

HOME is like a family,

Enjoy friends and share different experiences,

Teaching and comforting.

Asking for help and security

Crying, too much thinking…

Freedom and NEW beginnings?

Happy and smiling together while relaxing.

2017-01-20T15:56:18+08:00By |Categories: Group Poems, Poems, Student Work|Tags: |

Challenges are the Light of Success

Comfortable place, has good environment,
happy, safe, warm, safety.
They are sad because they live in a bad
They are happy, they are finished!
They are forced to go to get success,
to be successful.
She will be a journalist.
He will be a pilot at the airport and have lots of tourists.
These things have challenges,
we must fight the challenges we face.
We will see the sunshine after the rain.
My life will be beautiful like a rainbow!

2016-12-16T12:55:08+08:00By |Categories: Group Poems, Poems, Student Work|Tags: , |
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