Promotional Video
Mission Statement
The specific goals of Writing Through are three-fold:
- To develop capacity for conceptual thought
- To enhance individual self-esteem and the belief that one’s thoughts and feelings have value and are worth expressing
- To improve fluency in English, both speaking and writing
Writing Through accomplishes these goals through a unique pedagogy focusing on the creative writing of poetry and stories in English. The wall between student and teacher is broken down while maintaining and encouraging respect on both sides. A safe place is created to allow students to take the risk of thinking in new ways, while also investigating and sharing ideas, dreams and experiences.
Important Note: workshops are run by a fluent English speaker, with the in-class assistance of a native teacher who has advanced knowledge of English. This teacher is generally already on staff of the participating school or NGO. In this way, the program can be adapted to students of any level of English. This also accomplishes our important goal of promoting teacher training. This is accomplished using a specially designed format of themes, prompts, brainstorming, presentation skills and other bespoke techniques.
Annual Reports
We believe in the importance of full transparency. As our Annual Reports are filed, you will find them here.
Annual Report 2016