Writing Through in Vietnam
Vietnam is a fascinating and complex country, developing quickly after decades of war. Recently, after reunification and an opening up of borders to international cooperation, Vietnam’s economy has started to grow and its society begun to change. As with all change, some areas progress more slowly than others, and although there is now mandatory full-time education through grade 12 for all young Vietnamese, focus on creativity and thinking skills still lags behind. Teaching techniques remain mired in those of previous generations, which leads to a gap in the ability of young Vietnamese to enter global industries with adequate skills. In addition, Vietnam is still a poor country and many of its citizens find it difficult to access high quality education. In Vietnam, Writing Through aims to bring access to modern teaching techniques to all segments of the population, while encouraging literacy and thinking skills throughout the society.
Our partners in Vietnam include:

italkcoffee is a coffee shop and sociable space in Hanoi, Vietnam. Italkcoffee was designed as a space where English learners can converse and socialize at italk, meeting like minded people and practicing their language skills. Italkcoffee also holds creative workshops and events. They are our first partner in Vietnam and held our debut workshop in February 2018.

Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation provides exceptional care to Vietnamese children and families in crisis while creating long-term change for a better world.