Becoming A Facilitator

The role of Facilitator is the key role within the Writing Through volunteer group. A Facilitator will be in charge of a specific workshop, teaching each session according to the Writing Through format and methodology, liaising with the partnering NGO or school, overseeing the creation of the magazine, and helping to stage the final Big Event.

The Facilitator will need to be available for the full length of the workshop, according to the dates arranged with the Partner, but each Facilitator will be given the choice of which workshop to facilitate, according to their own personal schedule.

Facilitators are volunteers and assume the bulk of the expenses themselves, although Writing Through does request small per diem contributions from the Partner. Ideally, the Facilitator will be able to travel to Cambodia at least once a year to conduct a workshop.

Qualifications: (Please note that a potential Facilitator does not need to be a writer or a teacher)

  • College graduate or comparable age and experience
  • Excellent English language skills, both written and spoken
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to connect with teenagers, young adults and adults
  • Flexibility and ingenuity when plans go wrong
  • Basic computing capability, including email, Word, Power Point
  • Have access to a laptop to be used during the workshop to type up student work
  • Stamina and a sense of humor and adventure
  • Basic facilitation skills, including to ability to speak clearly and confidently in front of an audience; lead a group through a series of activities towards an established goal, using the provided written guidance; manage group dynamics; provide constructive feedback and coaching

Training: Training to become a Facilitator is a two-step process. First, the candidate attends an introductory session, either individually or in a group, to learn about the origin, methodology and goals of Writing Through.

The second step is to Shadow a workshop run by a fully trained Facilitator. The role of the Shadow is not only to learn the details of carrying out the program, but also to assist the Facilitator however necessary. This may include recording students’ ideas on the whiteboard, assisting students one-to-one with editing their work, providing coaching and feedback as students practice presenting their work, and assisting with the Big Event at the end of the workshop.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer or facilitator, or would otherwise like to help out, please use the form below, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Writing Through changes lives, but we cannot do it without your support.